Yay! Lets see howl ong I can keep this blog up for.. lol
Well for starters a cute picture of Dominic on his first birthday party!
We had forgotten our camera so we have to wait for other people to send up pictures. :(
Man he has grown so much, its insane. To think over a year ago he was inside me and like not here. He is so cute and he is teaching me so much.
With me Im still trying to figure things out. I have fallen into such a deep depression, everything is off. I've been depressed before, but never to the point where things dont matter. Like playing games, im not interested in anything. Music is slowly coming back, but i dont know what i want to listen to. When I hang out with people, I don't know what I even want to do anymore. IM at least hanging out with Brady a bit more (its only been 2ce but its still more) And Im seeing a old friend today, so I'm slowly trying to get my life back to normal, but I dont know what normal is.
I miss being gothic because it was a very laid out syle and i knew it, i was "smart" in that area, i knew what looked good and what I liked. But i fell out of it because I wasnt comfortable wearing the clothes or the makeup. But now that im just me.. or so to say im very.. lost, there are so many more choises and im used to black and pleather etc etc, chains..
I dont know what I want, and its hard. I feel as though im falling and i cant stop.
But i must go meet with my friend
1 comment:
Happy b-day Dom!! Times flies by so much faster when you have kids hey? It is hard to believe that he wasn't even around a year ago!
I think Brady is awesome :) I'm glad you're reconnecting with her. Good friends are so important, they can really help a person get out of a rut.
Your identity isn't found in your clothes or style. You're loved completely AS IS. Sometimes it's good to take a bit of a break from certain things, to remind us of whats underneath it all. I took a huge hiatus from song writting, everytime I sat down and tried....nothing. It was like a time for searching for me, really making me ask myself, why am I doing this? Whats really in there that wants to come out? I don't know, can you relate? And after the break, it's almost like I came back stronger than before! Maybe after your goth break you'll come back more confident and sure of who you are and what you're about.
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