Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Simple Definitions

so I found that cute... and seeing as the pic doesnt seem to show fully on my blog preview there is the link for the rest of it.

Brady is moving in with us in April!!! im so excited! Im hoping she will make me leave the house a bit more with her lol. Im so excited!
i miss having freinds.

when i got pregnant i panicked, and i kinda ditched all my friends, and when i moved to allan i lost contact with most.
Ive always had problems making friends. Ive been trying, but its tuff. And a lot of my old friends dont even live in stoon. making it that much harder to talk.

since i was little i always have wanted a friend to call me up and say "hey lets go shopping" and do coffee/shopping etc" and take pictures of our adventure at the mall etc, but for some reason ive never found anyone liek that. And for some reason i have problems beign the one to start those adventures.

Im also excited to coem back from disneyland so i can order my transcripts so i can apply to Marvel for may!!! I really hope i get in im excted a bit scared too..


Roman Brady said...

hen I move in, trust me, we will have epic camera adventures ^_^!! It'll be awesome! I'm so excited, I can't wait to start setting up my room LoL

Nin said...

hahaha, that last sentence is so funny. "I can't wait to get BACK from Disneyland!" hehehe.....
I can relate to what you're saying about friends. I don't have many friends either. It's a personality thing..... You and I share many of the same personality traits, and our personality generally doesn't have many friends. However, the ones we do have, we are really loyal to. (just a tidbit from my personality-type wealth of knowledge. haha)
As for as shopping, I'd love to go shopping with you sometime! You could dress me up all goth and make fun of me, and I could dress you up all mainstream. haha : )
I too can not wait to go to marvel, although I have a bitmore of a wait ahead of me......
I'll have to live vicariously through you for a bit.