So dez and I have our 3 year coming up on halloween
Im excited to go to TUG on halloween
i wish dez and I would have had a few bucks, oh well, as long as we can get in TUG im happy
stressing about making rent, dez was so sick he had to miss so many days so we are so cutting it close to making it. well sorta
and then the added stress of my mind allowing myself to think (liek actually think) about my mom and who she was, and its stressing me so much. Im glad I now get 2 days off.
work is going okay.. got in trouble for being sick today so I have to go get a doctors note tomorrow.. blah
had a older lady at work tell me she hates me (older Asian angry woman, lacking english) lol
apparently i take her vacuum everyday (1. vacuums are not assigned, 2. i just grab one, i dont actually look) and she was like
"you do this everyday,every day"
so i asked what the difference was cuz i didnt really see much besides the cords,
and she replies with " i hate you" and mumbled something about stealing :S
so i was in a bad mood so i replied with "fine for that comment im just going to take it every morning." and left.
i just ouldnt handle that for some reason, i just snapped.
oh well
I get to go look at dresses soon :D im excited
i still really want a wicked wicked vacation, but i really want a fun wedding too, still a cheap wedding, but i dunno, i have a short amount of time left.
not sure what else to say
im off for now
random picture of the day :click it for full:
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