Friday, January 22, 2010

all i feel like

i cant wait until Dominic is older... I wish he would listen more... and calm down and do things slowly.

So many things he should be able to do he cant cuz he wont sit still and let us teach him... its so straining, like we went to walmart today and we let him walk in the toys and when we asked hi mto come back or stop runnign away etc he wont...

:( and if we pick hi mup he screams and kicks..

i wish he would calm down and listen... he is all action and its hard to deal with

i mean we are trying to potty train him and he is good or going on the potty when we put him there -- he still doesnt tell us when he needs to go yet_--
but we bought pull ups for him though and we are trying to teach him to pull up the front and the back, but he only pulls up the front, and when we try to show him where his hands go to pull up the back he freaks and waves his ars and tries to runaway

I kno he is at his own stage and he is 2 1/2 but its hard

and its tough seeing all my brothers other kids excelling at everything, and again i know dom isnt wrong or anything just going at his own pace but i still feel like im doing something wrong or i already did when dom was little

i just wish i didnt feel like a failure all the time
its such a hard feeling to get over..

but its Dominic's bed time

gotta run

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