Friday, November 6, 2009

well that was stupid

So I was a day ahead of myself yesterday, I thought the 5th was the 6th
My moms birthday woudl have been today, Nov 6...
so because I suck
im moody for 2 days and all that crap

Not alot going on, waiting for my gossip girl to finish downloading(i missed it this week)

So ive been wanting to try something lately, and i want to try before the weddnig cuz well i want to

I want thin eyebrows (not thin vs thick but like a thinner line) And the last time i had that was when i shaved off my eyebrows, and i loved how it looked (<3 dez hates it and im scared to do it cuz most ppl think they are dumb) either way
I want to try the actual real eyebrows super thin, cuz i have always admired that goth loko and to do it before the wedding as a test
but im scared if they look bad

lol but im usually locked in my house anyways so i may get away with it

the wedding has been in my mind lately
I know what i want for my dress (skirt/corset w/e) sorta, not sure what I want the girls in yet

I know i want a skirt similiar to the following:

Yea I truly did fall in love with the black and red one (the room with the mirrors also #'s 1 5 and 6) and black and hot pink
and turns out those dresses are easy to make
I love the poofyness and the coolness and they will rock with boots

again no idea for the girls..... black and hot pink for them too, i might stick them in corsets and skirts too
we shall see, i need to visit gothical for ideas

work still sucks
because dez's shift changed he doesnt work till 3 (used to work at 2) so I told my work I can work till 1 instead of 12, so now I get 10 rooms a day instead of 8

oh well , hopefully will help me look better

oh I found a quote I want tattooed
"It's better to have loved and lost than never loved at all"

I enjoy this quote because it can be applied to so many things, liek me being a party kid without a baby :P sometimes i need a reminder when im upset that i got pregnant... or with tysene, i am so thankful i was in his life, however short, we may not have ended well but im glad I knew him and then lost him, same with my mom

When i actually stop and think about that quote i actually feel a sensation of calmness (or something) and i can relax... but sometimes i dont think of it, hence the tattoo, i see it and it pops in my head and calms me.. ( i have a bad memory i forget all the time little simple things)

so yea Im thinking i will get aaron to do the quote cuz you cant screw up on words eh?

soon enough

so my head hurts, i went over to dom little table cuz he is drawing/scribbling, and i did it AGAIN!.... I whacked my head on the staircase(basement) and really hard... ive hit it 4 times... and i have bumps and bruises to prove it..

so now I need head drugs

upstairs I go

PS the 4th skirt picture comes out shitty, and i wasnt a super big fan anyways but to delete it means i have to change my wording in the post, so im leaving it at this..



Nin said...

holy crap dude! I haven't been to your blog in forever! Crap! When I took you off my side bar, I didn't have the little link to remember to come, but now, since Randeah knows about the wedding and such, I can put you back on my side bar :P
Sigh, anyways, I'm all caught up now, and read all the posts I missed. Glad to be in the loop, even though, we've pretty much talked about most of this stuff.

p.s. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that quote. I SO SO SO think you should get it :)

Lucille Hope said...

haha I totally do that all the time, no link no memory :P
Yea im excited for the quote tattoo, now where to put it :P

Nin said...

Somewhere where you'll be able to see it lots. Inside of your arm? Wrap around your wrist? Although, it's long enough that it would probably need to wrap around a couple times.....which might not be cool. Side of your leg? It'd look nice on your back or something like that, but you would'nt be able to see it :P